Sunday, May 29, 2016

2016 - Day 150/216 - Sunday...

It seems my weekends are totally, 100% devoted (mostly) to two things; naps and grass mowing. And it is not equally split, no way, no how. Much more about mowing grass (and weeds). You see, basically, when I am napping on the weekends, my dreams are filled with grass mowing. I cannot escape it. Grass here, grass there, grass in the front, grass in the back, grass where it is wet, grass where it is dry. I cannot escape the grass. What you can see here is about 20% of the front grass. What you cannot see is the grass between there and the road. Or the grass in the girl dogs yard. Or the grass in the back of the house. In the REAL back of the yard, I can use the tractor. The fun part of cutting the grass is all the geometric shapes that become evident. There are lots of things in the yard(s) that need to be 'mowed around'. A garden here, a tree there, a martin house over there, a bamboo forest (for the girls to take refuge in) closer over here. One day I made a map of the United States in the yard. Another day it was just the State of Texas. Today it was geometrics. AND, it is always fun to play 'rock, mower, chicken'. So far, the chickens have won, but only because I have keen reflexes.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, GRASS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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