So far, I have not been impressed with any of the commercials, and the half-time show (so far) is only confusing. It is most likely because I am old. There is a lot of screaming going on in the stands (unless it is fake screaming), but I am confused as to who anyone in the stands can be watching the stuff that I am not paying attention to on the television. Those are pretty strong words for someone that has three televisions in the house all tuned to the Superbowl. I need to get a paying job as a critic somewhere, I really enjoy it, and it just comes naturally to me. And who is this guy, anyway? New subject: The Lazy House neighborhood is really a boon to my Gladys Kravitz skills. Once again, there were three first responder vehicles within eyesight of the house. I heard no sirens, but when I went outside to check out the sunset, there they were, bigger'n Dallas, lights all a flashin', but no noise making. This part here would be better if they were in a pool and splashing water like synchronized swimming. Okay, I recognize this song, but I still don't know who he is. I'm gonna shut up now, while I am still ahead.
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