Once a Trustee, always a Trustee. I did all my stuff (and more) at home today. Only two zoom meetings, but really good ones. There were swarms of people in and out of the Lazy House today, too, and it was kind of a field day for a couple yappy little dogs. I expect the swarming to continue tomorrow, and maybe Wednesday, so I am trying to be strong! Here is something that is going to make me weak; there are going to be two days (Sunday and Monday) when the temperatures do not get above 32 degrees. That is really unheard of here in central Texas. I am not sure that I will be able to survive that, but I will do my best. I know most of the plants that I will bring in to the garage or the front barn, probably will not make it. I will make preparations on Thursday...I may even turn the water off at the main at the farm, just to make sure nothing terrible happens. Then my worry will be the water heaters...I have plenty of time to work out a plan. It is kind of hard to comprehend that it was in the mid 70s today, and in just a few days it will be bitterly cold. It will all be okay in the end, and if it is gonna be THAT cold in central Texas, we cannot really imagine how cold it will be in some of those square, non-descript states at the top of the map!
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