First world challenges continue. I know people in central Texas that have not had electricity since early yesterday afternoon. I remember back many, MANY years ago, when there was an ice storm in Memphis (when my mother was still living there), and I think their power was out for a few weeks. That is hard to imagine in this time, but I guess it doesn't take a bad storm to interrupt power, I am more worried about a 13 year old kid in their underwear, hacking into the grid, and disrupting the power supply FOREVER! Whatever. At any rate, I have had internet and electricity and heat at the Lazy House with very little interruption during this storm. I attended a six hour class on zoom today, answered calls on my cell phone, checked my e-mail, and basically went on with my life, all while the temperature did not get above 28 degrees here. I did make it out to the farm after my class today, more downed limbs, still no electricity. The inside of the house was not extremely cold, but not toasty, either. The chickens are not looking particularly inconvenienced, so I was glad for that. I did not see Barney, but I am pretty sure he is okay. The biggest issue at the farm, was getting from point A to point B without having other tree branches crash down upon me. It is eerily quiet out there, very little traffic, but the roads are clear. Parts of it are ugly and sad, but parts of it are really pretty, too! On the way home from the farm, I stopped at HEB. I had to stand outside (in the cold, remember?), in a line, to get inside. I got in, and the main thing I went in for was milk, and there WASN'T ANY! I got three quarts of chocolate milk (two of which were low fat, that makes no sense), but I can make it through. I may go back tomorrow, or go to another store trying to find milk, I'm sort of CDO that way!
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