A week ago tomorrow, I ventured out into the still pretty frozen world, and went up IH-35 towards the farm. I went further than usual, because I needed to refill the girls monthly pills, and the vet is in Salado, about 17 miles further north than where I would normally exit to go to the farm. But I did. What I witnessed that day was, a mad dash for the Oklahoma border by (probably) a dozen or more wind turbine blades. After all the abuse they had received the previous several days, inaccurate accusations that it was the wind turbines fault for the power grid failing in Texas, and green energy being falsely accused as being the devil incarnate, it seemed that the turbine blades were taking their wind generations abilities and heading north. If you have never seen one of these blades being transported, you can not really comprehend the great expanse of them. When you see them spinning from the advantage of your vehicle somewhere, you just cannot imagine how really big they are. BUT, they are plenty big, and apparently have very delicate sensibilities, and so they were headed north. That is about as political as I ever get in this journal, so I will now step off my soapbox. I finished my most recent book,
The Four Winds, and I cried most of the way to the office this morning. My next book, which I will most likely begin on Monday, is one of the Woman's Book Club selections, so I will report back to you about my opinion. The weekend will be a little bit busy, I am a little behind in moving stuff from the farm to the Lazy House, but I think I can make up for lost time over the weekend.
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