I hope everyone had at least an okay day today. I am going to chalk this day up into the 'win' category. I got up this morning, had a couple cups of coffee, and wandered around a little bit, wondering exactly what I might get up to. I never did determine anything, so I just played the whole thing by ear. My goal had been to head out to the farm by 11 o'clock this morning, and I did leave the Lazy House at about 10:45, but I got distracted. I decided to go to Tractor Supply to get chicken feed and stuff like that. Then, I called the vet in Salado, and they were open, so I went and got three months worth of NexGard and HeartGard for the girls. Then I headed off to the farm. When I got close, there was an actual battalion of electric service guys at the corner of CRs 322 and 323. I could not get the car into the gate, and I had intended to use the wheel barrel (I think wheel barrel is much more appropriate than wheel barrow, wheel barrow just does not make sense) to move the chicken feed and those supplies out of the car and int the front barn and the garage. SURPRISE! A couple tree limbs fell onto the wheel barrel and DESTROYED it. Literally! It is in about six pieces, now useless. SO...I gathered up from the house that was going to the Lazy House and put it all on the front porch. I went out to the front barn and unloaded a wagon (that we had at the Red Rock farm), and used it to unload, load, and unload. Now there are some things in the back of my car, and that stuff will stay there (maybe) until the morning. I examined all the ceilings of the house and all the various rooms, and I am happy to report that there does not seem to be any damage. No inside damage, no outside damage (except for trees and downed limbs), so that is a major win. I also inspected the pool and the pool pumps and filters, and I did not see any damage there either. The electricity is still off to the pool equipment, and the water to the house is still off at the road, so I will know better later in the week. I did not see Barney while I was at the farm, but the cameras just sent me video that he is alive and well, and scoping out the property! Another win. I also got six newspapers delivered today. I just assumed that they would not be delivered, so I checked them out online, but all the back papers were delivered this afternoon. Not necessarily a win, but not a fail either. Finally, there were plenty of birds out at the farm today, and I thought I would share this photo of a bunch of Cedar Waxwings with you. Enjoy!
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