The word 'squirrel' originates from the Greek words for shade and tail. Adult squirrels can consume about a pound and a half of seeds and nuts each week, which is about the equivalent of their body weight. As I was driving in to the office this morning, I thought about how nice it was to be back in Austin and back to my routines. I like routines. I like structure. So, life is good. The day started with some plant watering, a walk, and then more plant watering. For having been out of the office for a week, there was not a lot of paperwork stacked up on my desk, so I got it cleared off pretty quickly, and there were no real fires that needed to be put out, so that was a good thing. It is hot like the hinges of hell here in central Texas. This morning, it was 75 degrees when we started our walk. It is looking like it will be a long, hot summer, and we should all start complaining about the heat and lack of rain just any minute. This is a photo of a squirrel that is avoiding detection by the girls this morning.
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