The great egret (Ardea alba), also known as the common egret, large egret, or great white egret, is a large, widely distributed egret. Egrets are found on all continents except Antarctica. The great egret is generally a very successful species with a large and expanding range, mostly in temperate and tropical habitats. Streams, lakes, ponds, mud flats, saltwater and freshwater marshes are places egrets like to hang. Wooded swamps and wetlands are their locations of choice. Except cattle egrets. They hang in pastures, and when the cattle walk around, they stir up bugs, and that is like a cattle egret buffet. We saw this guy on our morning walk, and I was lucky to get this photo. I especially like the gnarly tree, I think it is a great contrast with the beauty of the bird. We had oatmeal after the walk, and then I did some shopping at HEB before heading in to the office. Got my desk cleared off, got some other work done, and then I headed off to a 4 o'clock reception, before leaving for home at about 5:30. Fingers crossed for rain tonight, they keep teasing us, but maybe it will happen. I am afraid to turn the sprinklers off, afraid I will jinx it.
Today is election day, and even though it may be too late, I hope some of you thought about the tragedy thrust upon Uvalde, Texas this morning. Think. Vote. Act. Invest. Today is the best time for change.
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