The morning flory can be symbolic of strength, giving a person the power to realize their hopes and dreams, These flowers are resilient, and they pass this power on to their recipient. It is believed that the ability to grow through adversity resonates through the flower. So far, so good on the morning glory front. At the farm, the chickens thought morning glory shoots were about the best thing ever, but so far, they are doing really well at the Curious House. I expect you will get tired of morning glory posts very soon, but too bad. It is my journal. Tomorrow, I will be planting more morning glory seeds, AND some night shades, so there will be more morning glory and night shade trivia to come. Marge and I went to four estate sales today, and we all came away with treasures, as if I need more treasures. Diane, Deb, and maybe Linda and I are going back to one close to the Curious House tomorrow morning, and then I will be heading off to brunch with Terry, Candy and Alisha. I am a lucky man. Tonight, we set a world's record for attendance at Wine Night. there were ten of us there, and we laughed really hard throughout the night. Nine o'clock, and it is time to go. We have nothing if not structure!
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