Schnauzer, in German, means beard. Schnauzer's were bred as farm dogs, but over time they moved from farms to people's homes, making them a popular breed. They don't shed much, which is a plus. Miniature Schnauzers are descended from Standard Schnauzers and Affenpinschers. I've never heard of those either, so you can look them up for yourselves. Callie has always been shy compared to Lexie, and she has tried her best to avoid photos. I took this photo of her a week ago just after she returned from the beautiful parlor. She looks kind of stoned, doesn't she?She is just not keen to be in the spotlight, but is happy to be the recipient of a belly rub if you can search her out. Over the three day weekend, I got everything on my chore list crossed off, plus a few other things as well. Nothing of any particular note happened today, and that has been perfectly okay with me. I have spied a few dogs taking advantage of the water station, so that is fun. I did go to PetsMart this afternoon, but I didn't buy anything. The coming week will be (should be) a relatively easy one. The only thing I have on my schedule is breakfast tomorrow with the other ROMEOs. I really need to start eating better, and I need to cut back on the caloric intake. I am on the cusp of subscribing to NutriSystem or another program like that...something that will just send me the food to eat with no decisions to be made on my part. If you have had any experience with those kinds of programs, let me know, good or bad. At this point I just don't seem to have the will-power or discipline to do anything healthy. Except the morning walks.
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