This is the most current trivia I could find about early voting. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 37 states offer voters some way to avoid lining up at the polls on Election Day. About one-third of voters (voters, not registered voters) make use of alternative ways to vote. "Convenience voting" is controversial, and the controversy almost always revolves around some type of partisan crap, one side or the other. On my way home this afternoon, I took advantage of early voting. There were about five campaign signs outside the ballot place, the 'vote here' sign was folded up inside the polling place, and there were more people working the place than there were voters, by a margin of about 12 to 1. BUT...I voted. It was a good day today, a nice walk in the morning, in to the office about 10:30, left for home about 2. I ran some errands on the way in, and some more on the way home. I will be going to Costco over the weekend, and it is also supposed to rain over the weekend and into next week. The chances of rain are pretty good, and that is lovely. I spent about an hour watering plants this afternoon, and I like doing that. I think the plants need watering at least every other day. After watering, I sat in the front for a while, and then I sat on the back deck for a while. I may have to dive in to the key lime pie after I wrap up this journal entry. Or maybe not. What do you think?
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