In the 1950's (1957 according to the movie), a widowed cleaning lady falls madly in love with a couture Dior dress, deciding she must have one of her own. After working to raise funds to pursue her dream, she embarks on an adventure to Paris that will change not only her own outlook, but the very future of the House of Dior. I recommend that you drop whatever you are doing right this minute and go see this movie,
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris. Upon investigation, it seems this was also a made-for-tv-movie some time ago, starring Angela Lansbury and Omar Sharif. Hmm. I missed that one. But, by all means, go see this one. As usual, I cried throughout the whole thing, but it is a real feel-good movie. If you go see it, and you hate it, keep it to yourself. Not a bad Sunday, it started with a walk, then brunch, then a stop at Goodwill where I found a treasure, then got the car washed and did a few other little chores. I am almost caught up on my bookkeeping, snd I have about another half-hour of entering to do, then I will be done til the next time. I still have to water pot plants in the front and back, and wash the Piglet's face. She gets her face SO dirty, but she is a dog and doesn't really pay any attention to it until I pick her up and point her at the kitchen sink.
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