Friendship: Noun. A relationship between friends. A close, lasting, lifelong friendship. A state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between people. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a person's life span. Everything goes better with friends. It was good to have dinner with these friends this evening. We make fun of each other, insult each other, confuse each other, but most importantly, we laugh together. I am lucky to have friends. They are, however, spread out all across the country, as well as here in central Texas. It is Monday, and I have had better Mondays. I had a couple appointments today, and those went well. I left the office for home at about 2 o'clock so I could let the girls outside before I went back in to Austin for dinner. Tomorrow is going to be a long day: I will get in to the office early, pick up my friends at about 9:45, then I will be in a meeting until 3, then taping until 5, an ABoR event from 5 until 8. In between, I will be on a zoom meeting at 1. There is still a conflict with a 6:30 dinner, but it will all work out. It is either feast or famine, and you just go where people point you!
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