Saturday, September 30, 2023

Volume 15 - Day 273/92, 2023 - Saturday

It was kind of a busy day today. There was a walk, there was a visit from the house keeper, there were four estate sales, the girls went to the beautiful parlor, I took a nap, did a little bit of this and that here and there around the house, I tried to find some fast food for lunch, and I went to three or four places and refused to wait in the lines. Traffic (both vehicular and pedestrian) was crazy, so I ended up eating turkey wieners at home. I am still having cravings for chicken fingers and/or pizza, or a nasty burger, or all three at once. Instead, I had chicken wieners. I watched a couple movies that were pretty interesting, then I went and got the girls, and then there was the house concert. Next month will finish the third season of house concerts. Tonight was Academy Award Winners, next month will be Texas Swing. There were some new people tonight, and so I think the notices on the mailboxes is working. I am happy about that. I have every intention of taking photos for the journal, and I always (almost always) forget. Tonight Paul reminded me that we need a picture, and by that time, six or eight people had already left. Linda took this photo, she is the shadow at the bottom of the photo. I think tonight was one of the better concerts, everybody was happy, the humidity was not obnoxious, there was a lovely breeze, and there was a LOT of good conversation. I think everybody enjoyed it, and that is all that matters. Tomorrow is another day!

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