Well, I am pretty much finished with this years Mid-Term Meetings. Mid-Term Meetings is an old term, we are now attending REALTORS® Legislative Meetings. Same meetings, just a different name. Today, we went to the NAR Building, which is something I like to do every year, Then lunch, then one Hill Visit, then Regional Caucuses. After the caucus, we had a nice dinner, and we had so much food left over, that we went on another mission to find housing challenged folks that might appreciate some good food. We were able to distribute all the food, so it is good to know that it was not wasted. I have those spells occasionally when I am attending large, national meetings, and at least we know we did a very small thing that might make a small difference for someone. I'm back at the hotel, walked through the bar, said hello to a few friends, and now I am about to go to sleep. I will get up tomorrow, and my plan is to head for the airport at about 8:30. I change planes in Atlanta on the way home, and if the weather holds, I should land in Austin about 4PM. I really cannot remember the last time that I changed planes on a flight, but I will tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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