Saturday, May 11, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 132/234, 2024 - Saturday

Okay, it's Saturday, which means a nice morning walk, estate sales, naps, and repeat. I walked this morning with Richard and Paul, the first time in over a week. It was nice to catch up, and just generally act stupid. There were three estate sales, and I might (MIGHT) go back to one of them tomorrow. Maybe. I did buy a few things that I did not even know I needed, now I just need to find a place to put them. Two out of three have been placed. It is supposed to rain tonight into tomorrow, so we will see exactly what happens. I only have a couple chores on my list for tomorrow, and none of them will be put off just because of rain. I have never had much luck with daylilies, but I looked out in the back today, and this pretty orange was blooming its' heart out. Very pretty. 

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