There is a lot of machinery and electronics and buzzing and whirring that goes in to donating platelets. This is about the sixth time (not sure) that I have donated platelets instead of whole blood. You can do platelets every two weeks, and that is the schedule I am on. The only thing that could make the experience better would be if I could take a nap while all that is going on. Taking a nap while doing this is frowned upon, but I almost fell asleep again today. I can fall asleep generally if I am just still and quiet, which is kind of nice. I fell asleep on a plane once while we were still at the gate. When we took off, I thought we were landing. It's a gift. Otherwise, it was not a bad Monday. There was a nice walk in the morning, and we were joined by Pam and Paul's son Mitchell. Then a nice drive to the office with the top down. I have about an hour and a half left of the book I am listening to
Strangers in a Strange land, and I already have my next book picked out,
The Tatooist of Auschwitz. Tomorrow, after our walk, the ROMEOs will have a ncie breakfast, then I have a lunch meeting that starts at 11:30, and then the neighbors dinner starts aat 6PM. It seems like tomorrow will be a day plentiful with food. Like I need more food. BUT, it will be actual food as opposed to the stuff I usually eat on a daily basis; Twinkies, cookie, pimento cheese and naan bread. Time for a change!
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