The winds are supposed to shift and be out of the north later this afternoon, and the temperatures are supposed to cool down for a couple days. Lows tonight are expected to be in the 30's and highs tomorrow and Tuesday are only supposed to be in the 60's. So far, our spring has been pretty nice, but we could still use all the rain you can send us. I know when it gets hot, it will be hot for a long time! I believe we are going to convert the pool into a salt water pool, so it will generate its' own chlorine and it is supposed to be better on the skin. AND I intend to spend a lot of time in the pool this summer. When we bought this house, that was one of the things I really wanted, a pool. So, there you have it...
So, we are back from our adventures and as you can see, we went through the towns (burgs, communities, wide-places-in-the-road) of Red Ranger and Zabcikville. I have never heard of either one of those, and I was really disappointed in Red Ranger. First, I did not see a single ranger, and second, I saw nothing really red about the place. Zabcikville was a bigger someplace actually, at the junction of County Roads 437 and 153 (I think), and it had lots of nice houses and what looked to be an old city hall type of structure. Further on up CR 153 we came to a city named Seaton (or maybe Seatonville), just before we took the road to Oscar, and there was a wind generator just a generating up a storm. It looks like the same type of generator that we are having put on the farm, so I am thinking of looking it up later to see if it is so. Anyway, that was fun to see like minded folks in Seaton (or Seatonville).
So, the cattle have been fed, the butterfly irises have been planted, lunch has been consumed and Jody is taking a nap. Life is exquisite. We have no idea where we will be going for dinner tonight, but it will be the perfect ending to this perfect (albeit really windy) day. So, why don't you see what you can do today for the environment? It is not really that hard...just go change out a light bulb or two to the compact fluorescent type (or better yet, change a couple to the LED lights, even more energy efficient). Or maybe you could just do a better job of recycling. If I can carry my recycling into Austin, you can separate your cans and paper and plastic. It will do the planet good!
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