Well, after a good nights sleep (almost nine hours) I got up this morning and got lots of stuff done. I get the cattle fed, and brought some boxes from the feed storage building up into the garage (we are readying ourselves for stocking our consignment space this Friday, the first) and unloaded them. Jody fixed blueberry pancakes for breakfast (I recommend you always eat the last cakes to be made, because all the blueberries sink to the bottom of the mix). After breakfast, we both putzed around for a while, and then we went out to the front shed and got several boxes from there and put them into the garage to take to the re-sale place on Friday. This week I need to buy a couple sets of shelves, some pricing stuff, some plate holders and a couple mannequin forms (just the heads and necks) for the space. Luckily we will only be getting half of the space on the first, and the other half on the fifteenth. It will be fun once it is all set up, and all we have to do is to keep it stocked. We have enough crap to stock it for a year or two non-stop.
After that, I went out into the yard and got the lawnmower started and cut about half of the front yard. Just after we both decided it was time to sit-a-spell, we heard a car (truck actually) pull up into the driveway, and our friend Tonya (who along with husband Jody and son Patrick raise Longhorns) was here having been to Grand Prairie for the weekend. When they were all here several weeks ago, Tonya had left her camera, and I have had it in the back of my car the whole time. Anyway, we had a nice visit and talked bout all sorts of things, from cattle to horse racing to thorn less cactus to humming birds to grasshoppers killing rose bushes and crepe myrtle trees. It was a fun visit, and we were happy to see her.

Back to the grass cutting. As I said, I got about half the front yard cut, and decided to see if I could get the riding lawn mower started that the folks that lived here before left us (as a gift I am sure). Well, it would not start, which I was not surprised about, but I think it probably will without too much effort. We have the battery charger on it right now, and then I will need to put some air in the tires, and I expect it will be working in the next day or so. If not, I am planning to ask our other neighbor (Michael and Hubert) if they can get it running. I am pretty confident that they can fix most things, and I think they share that confidence. Anyway, the yard around the house alone is about two acres, so the need for the riding mower has become evident. I will cut the big areas with the tractor and the bush hog that came with it.
In between chores, Jody and I watched a really cute movie called Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, and I recommend it highly. Maybe that is not the exact title, but it is something like that. It is set in the 40's and the music is really wonderful.
So, we are about to have dinner, and I am about to begin getting things ready for another two days of class tomorrow at the Board. It is supposed to begin to rain this evening and we have decent chances of rain throughout the week. By the end of a week of clouds and rain, we should all be ready for some sunshine.
Still nothing on the little black cat, and we figure she is gone. The house is very quiet and still, every time either one of us sees a shadow, we thing it is her. The dog and the Queen Cat are saddened as well, even though the Queen Cat would never admit is.
Have a good rest of your day, and remember to do a good deed for yourself or someone else. It will make you a better person, and that will make the world a better place. And above all, HAVE FUN!
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