It finally started to rain this morning about 5:30 I got up, dressed and RAN to the mailbox to pick up the paper assuming it would be raining most of the day, and that the rain would get stronger. I am not much of a runner, and I wonder what that looked like? Anyway, I got the paper, but so far we have only had intermittent showers, no prolonged or really heavy rainfall so far. I will be keeping my fingers crossed. What I would really like is a long steady rain that would last most of the day. That would really do some good around here.
As it ended up, we got about a half-inch of rain, and that was really not worth all the trouble and the dire forecasts by the weather prognosticators. Buy, we will take what we can get. Hopefully there will be more later in the week.
I actually spent about six hours in the home office, and got all of last years receipts filed int heir proper place, and have everything ready to deliver to Claud (via e-mail) tomorrow, so he can process my income tax extension. Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling that I am going to need to pay, but that is a good problem to have. If you are paying income taxes it means you are making money. So be it.
Jody and I went out and fed the cattle and put out another bale of hay. I am now down to three bales of hay, so I guess I will be getting some more hay from somewhere sometime soon. I have probably enough hay to last me two months, but I hate waiting til the last minute. I like to plan ahead, and not be left in a panic mode.
It has started to get windy here again, and that is kind of a surprise. We were not expecting that, but it seems this area is always windy. They are supposed to put in the foundations for the wind energy turbines tomorrow, so that will be kind of exciting. I will not be here to watch it all happen, but maybe I can get home in time to see some of it. I hope to be able to put our initials in the pads, just because that is what you are supposed to do with fresh concrete, isn't it?
I think we are going to Chili's for dinner tonight. We still have a little bit of a credit on a gift certificate that we were given last Christmas, and it is always a nice place to go. Along the way, we are going to stop at the Zion Lutheran Church and get rid of a lot of paper that we would normally take to Austin for recycling, but they have a place there to recycle paper, and I will get rid of that on the way to dinner. So, if I have any intentions of going anywhere tonight (and of watching the local and national news programs before that), I need to get up from here and take my shower, and give myself a beauty treatment. That will take some time in itself!
Have a great evening, and go do something nice for someone else. It will make you both feel very nice, and the happy feeling will last for a good long while. And who knows, pretty soon you might just get used to doing selfless things for other people, with no provocation what so ever! Have fun!
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