Well, the way I understood it was supposed to happen, the men (four of them) who were here to construct the foundations for the wind turbines were to complete their phase of the work, have me sign a form that said the work was completed, and then I was supposed to pay them for that phase of the construction. At 9:45 PM last night, I went outside and asked one of them how much longer they would be working, and they said they had about 45 minutes more to do. At 10:30 PM, I went outside again, and they were all gone. Vanished into the darkness as it were. They did not say they were leaving, that the were finished, NOTHING. They were just gone. I did not sign anything, I did not pay them for the work. I guess I will find out today what will happen about their payment. Life is interesting if nothing else.
On my way into the office this morning, I will stop in Georgetown and have some blood drawn for my semi-annual check up. I stopped by my doctors office yesterday in Austin to get the paperwork, and so I am fasting this morning before that. I am such a creature of habit, that I am not sure if I can make it without my raisin-cinnamon bagel. I probably can without too much grief, but it may be a little bit difficult. I am feeling faint already! (Later the same day) Well, everything was fine, and I did not faint from a lack of food, I even waited until lunch for anything to eat.
I had a couple appointments this morning, and one this afternoon, and now I am home, still working (albeit remotely) and that is a very good thing. I am (and so are lots of other people) delighted that our business is picking up, and it is almost like the flood gates have opened, and everyone is trying to quench their pent-up desires for property. Darn, too bad Oh well..
So, have a nice evening, hope that we all get some rain (as they are predicting) over the next couple of days. Do something nice for someone, and be kind to yourself as well. Have fun!
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