No rain overnight, and the winds have calmed down to just about nothing. As expected, the wind turbines are to be installed next week, so I assume there will never be another windy day in this area of Texas. I assume that I will have been completely responsible for killing the breezes in this part of Central Texas, just by installing a renewable energy system out in the pasture. It is true, mankind does have the ability to change the climate, do not believe the naysayers! BUT, we are still hoping for more rain later today and throughout the rest of the week. CORRECTION: I checked the rain gauge this morning, and we have a total of 2.25 inches in the gauge, not 2.5 mistake!
Getting to the Board today sucked...traffic sucked...did I mention the traffic SUCKING part? I was actually 5 minutes late, and by the time I walked into the class, I was just a little bit crabby. Everything worked out alright though, and after I took a few deep breaths, it was all good. Interestingly, the lunch sponsor did not show up, so the CEO of the Board took us all to a very nice restaurant that just opened up in the area, so close to the Board office in fact, that we all walked to the place.

We got a bit more rain today, and there is rain in the forecast for all of the next seven days. Just because it is in the forecast, however, does not necessarily mean there will be rain. But, we can always hope for the best. Many of the tanks in the area have water in them now, and this morning I saw a couple cattle on little islands in their tanks, and that was kind of interesting. Anyway, we will always take the rain...I know, be careful what you wish for!
So, now it is up to you...go do your good deed for the day, and make someone happy with your random act of kindness. You will be glad you did, and it will make you feel good about yourself. Oh, and by all means, HAVE FUN!
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