Our meeting yesterday was with a web-guy who does more content management than web development, and I think we may go with him. He had lots of good ideas, and once he started talking, we all had ideas that we wanted to do to make our office web-site more productive for the company. I cannot believe how dependent we have become on computers and web-technology, and we are still trying to become as 'paperless' as we can, but it is really difficult not to print out everything that comes across via e-mail or any other way. But, we shall see...
It is always interesting to see the patterns that are made in the fields around the house. The spring plantings are coming up, and the winter (whatever) crops of wheat are beginning to be cut. Summer large scale crops around here include cotton, sorghum, maize and corn. I think this will end up being a field of maize, and it is neat to see the patterns that are so precise. How do they get the rows to conform as they do, and when one row intersects another, why isn't there a little bit of overlap? I am sure there is a really easy explanation, but it is beyond my comprehension at the moment.
So, the cattle have all been fed, and they were delighted to see me, and all the little calves are hanging with their mamas. Live is good and peaceful and serene here in the country, and all of our lives can be as peaceful and serene as we make them. That is easily said here in a relatively peaceful corner of the world. I understand completely that peace and serenity are priceless and unachievable in many areas of the world, and that just reminds me about how lucky I am. So, go see how lucky you can be, and bring a little bit of peace and serenity to someone who might feel a little bit stressed right now. Go on, it will make you feel good.
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