I finally got to the office about 1 PM, and got some stuff accomplished, and just a few hours later, I am getting ready to go home for the weekend. I am really excited because we have appointments tomorrow with the landscaper (who started working about three weeks ago, and is still not finished BUT he has not presented a bill, either) AND the wind energy person from Dallas. They are supposed to do a site survey, and tell us what our options are. I am very excited about that. The power at the house actually went out yesterday, and if we had the wind turbines working, we would not even have known the power went out. The winds were gusting up over 50 miles per hour, and that is pretty darn unusual for winds to be that strong, but not unusual for then to be 15-20 miles per hour most of the time. So, I hope we are good candidates for the wind turbines. I will let you all know how it turns out.
I just found out there is a city wide garage sale in Bartlett tomorrow, and I am strongly considering attending. Like I don't have enough crap around the house already. What am I thinking? Oh yeah, stimulation of the economy is the most important thing right now, spend, spend, spend! So, hopefully there will be some good crap to go along with my other good crap, and my HUGE storage shed full of really good crap. I cannot help myself, I obviously like crap!
The pool is warming up nicely, and soon I think it should be warm enough to enjoy, rather than cold enough to go into shock. I think I will try it out this weekend again, just to see how long I can stand it.
Have a great evening, or the rest of what ever part of the day you can enjoy where ever you are and what ever time it is. Go do something nice for someone, and there is no real need to hurry it up, there is plenty of time.
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