Well, today started out EARLY and was pretty much a full day. I had to go into the office before I went to the Board of REALTORS for another day of Leadership Training. I got to the office at 7 AM (which means I left the house before 6AM, which means I got up before 4AM, just in case you were wondering) and got some work done, and picked up my book for the class. We originally did not need to bring the books for this days session, but at the last minute (or three days ago) the schedule changed, and we needed the book. So... Anyway, I got everything done and got to the Board with time to spare, which is just the way I like it. It was an enjoyable day, and we were concerned with Governmental Affairs in this session, and it was very interesting. A good learning experience overall. Today's photo is of me and two of my colleagues in the class (names withheld to protect the innocent, AND I did not ask their permission to post their photos in this entry).
After the class, I headed home, and traffic was pretty reasonable (the Board is ten miles closer to home than my office). I was trying to get home quickly, because we are expecting rain, and I wanted to get the cows fed before the rain started. It turns out I had nothing to worry about, they are now saying the rain will net really begin until tomorrow (most likely during my drive into Austin BUT DEFINITELY it will be raining vigorously on my drive home!). Whatever...
So, that is about it for now...for today. I am just really happy to be home, happy to live in the country, and happy to know what a lucky person I am. I AM A VERY LUCKY PERSON, and I know it.
Now, go do something unexpectedly nice for someone, and feel good about it. Have fun!
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