So, I wonder what the day will bring? It is always a mystery, because even though I generally have an idea about what will lie ahead, things tend to change drastically and schedules that are all comfortably planned sometimes get a bit chaotic! My day is relatively open, and I have lots of office things to get finished, but one never knows, does one?
Our neighbor (Randy) used to own a plane, and still has a landing strip on his property. As Jody and I were sitting out by the pool last night, a small plane took off from his place, and meandered around the area for a few minutes before heading off to parts unknown. It was interesting, but my camera was inside, so there is not evidence of the event, you will just have to take my word for it. You never know what will happen out here on the edge of nowhere.
In honor of Earth Day today, I drove the farm truck into the office...I had not appointments scheduled, and I need the car to be serviced, and they are a little bit finicky about going over the suggested mileage indicators between services. So, every now and then, I have to figure out when I can get the car serviced, and sometimes that means I have to conserve mileage on the car for a couple day. Hopefully, I will be able to get it serviced late next week, which will mean a few more days of driving the truck into the office. The things we do to make sure our vehicles are properly maintained AND that we keep the warranties in effect.
Tomorrow, I have an inspection in the morning, which will mean that I cannot drive my Meals-On-Wheels route. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) work sometimes gets in the way of my charitable commitments. I love delivering for Meals-On-Wheels, but I also enjoy eating and paying the bills, so...
It is time to go outside and enjoy the evening by the pool; water the container plants, sit and talk with Jody, enjoy the evening and stick my foot in the pool to check to see how much warmer the water became today. AND, I will think about opportunities that may exist to do nice things for others. What nice deed have you done recently, that was of no real benefit to yourself, other than the goodness that it provided your heart? Think about it, and see what kindness you can bestow on someone else, for no selfish reason, other than it will be a nice thing to do. Have fun!
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