I went to the conclusion of my clients (Chad and Emily) inspection and everything went pretty well, nothing drastic, but there are some issues to be corrected by the Seller's. There was a hail storm here several weeks ago, so the roof of the property will need to be assessed by the Seller's insurance company, and there are some other issues that will need to be taken care of, but I hope there will be no deal breakers. This, again, is the fun part for me, because I have no emotional interest in the property, just wanting to see that my folks are getting the best information and the best deal they can get. It was also great because a past client and friend of theirs was at the inspection (Scott) and I really enjoyed talking with him. He looks great, has a great attitude about life, is soon to be a first time father, and all is going really well in his world. I was happy to see him, and he made the whole day brighter!
I think it is about time to head home. I need to stop off a couple places on the way and get some errands done, so even though it is early I will not be home particularly early. I wonder what traffic will be like this afternoon?
I made it home without too many troubles...now that I have been home for a couple hours, I really cannot remember any issues on the drive home. I stopped at four places on the way home, and got several small errands completed, the most important of them all was getting a floating thermometer (stuck to the bottom of a rubber duckie) for the pool and a pair of goggles because, of course, Jacques Cous-Farmer will be needing a pair of goggles for his underwater explorations to be conducted in the pool! Whatever...
After I get home, Jody and I went out and fed the cattle, and they are covered with flies, so I am going to have to do something about that, I am just not too sure what the solution will be, although I think there is a solution I can spray on them to lessen that affliction. I will investigate.
We went to Chile's in Georgetown for dinner tonight, and I really was not all that hungry after the big lunch, BUT I have been really thirsty...something at lunch must have been extra salty. Anyway, on the way home we went down a new road that we had not travelled before, although we knew where it went according to the map. So, we are jut going down this road and we met a friend of our (Michael) in his truck coming the opposite direction. Of course we did what you do in the country, we both parked, he turned off his truck (were in the Prius, so turns itself off) and we sat there in the middle of the road and talked for 10 or 15 minutes. THAT is what I love about living in the country. We used to do the same hing when I lived in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, only we all had coolers in the trunk and sat along the side of the road and got drunk. I kind of like this way better.
Tomorrow should be a good day. I have a 9 AM meeting with an owner at his property to do a walk-through, and then I have some office stuff to do, and then tomorrow afternoon I will go and register for the Hill Country Ride for AIDS (http://www.hillcountryride.org) that will be on Saturday. If you don't hear anything from me after tomorrow's post, that is why! I may be dead from finishing the ride (and I have not trained AT ALL this year). The ride is only about 40 miles, so I should be able to do it without too much trouble (he said somewhat convincingly).
So, this is the part where I ask you to go and do a good deed, so in case you do not remember the drill, take a look at yesterdays entry...or the day before...or the day before.
Have fun!
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