Well, all I can say is Good Luck. What I mean is, today is really going to have to work hard to beat yesterday, yesterday was such a great day! I got up this morning and there was a wonderful red glow on the horizon, but it really did not pan out to be a spectacular sunrise...more of a sun-hint really. I went out to get the newspaper, and did not think it had arrived yet, but when I opened the mail box, there was the paper along with the mail for yesterday. When we read in the paper yesterday that the federal office would be closed in observance of Good Friday, we assumed that meant there would be no mail delivery, so we just ignored it. Oh well, that is what we get for trying to interpret the government.
I am hoping to go back to Lowe's this morning and get some more plants for around the pool, and then Jody and I are going to go space hunting in the Bartlett area re-sale stores. I love doing stuff like this, and both Jody and I have had retail extravaganza experiences in the past. I searched CraigsList last night for some store fixtures and mannequins last night, and I think we can find something that will be adequate. I really think this will be fun, and that will give me renewed reasons to go to yard sales again, once we clean out some of the stuff that we have in storage around the farm. If we get the big building cleared out, we can turn that into a one bedroom rental apartment, and get a full time caretaker at the property...JUST KIDDING. But I really don't know what we will do if we actually get the stuff cleared out, we will have lots of vacant storage space. I am sure we will find something to do with it. No worries.
Well, I was absolutely correct about today not being able to compete with yesterday, although we did get lots of stuff done. I headed out early for Lowe's (again) and got more plants for the pool area, and I must say, it is really going to be lovely when everything settles in. When I got back, I got everything planted and/or transplanted and so that is all settled. Jody and I went into Bartlett to check out the consignment place, and I have to tell you, our stuff that we would be putting in there is a lot nicer than most of the stuff in that shop. I think that might be the 'My baby is the prettiest baby in the world' syndrome, but I really think the stuff we would want to try and sell is pretty darn good stuff. So, we are still somewhat un-committed to doing this, but it still may be worth a go. We shall see...
We had lunch at La Tapatia in Bartlett, and it was very good. When we got home, Jody laid down for a nap, and I have just now finished by defensive driving on-line course, so I can get that all squared away one day next week, after I receive the certificate from the company. That is something that I am glad is out of the way.
As I started to say a couple paragraphs ago, today has been mostly grey and cloudy and windy and chilly, and we are supposed to have a pretty good chance of some rain this evening and tomorrow. I am really hoping for the rain (for all the usual reasons) but also because that will give me an excuse to stay in the home office all day and gather up my stuff to get me income tax extension filed. My CPA (Claud) gave me a call yesterday to make sure I was still alive, since I am usually right on top of this stuff. If anyone needs a wonderfully good and competent CPA, just give me a holler, and I will connect you to Claud, he's the BEST!
Okay, so now it is up to you to go and get your good deed for the day done, and you should be getting pretty good at this, you have been practicing for a while, and it should be getting easier and easier. And doesn't it make you feel better when you do a kind and self-less thing for someone else? Thought so... So, pretend like it is your first time, and go do something kind and helpful to someone who does not really expect it of you. It will make your day that much brighter, and it will certainly take the recipient by surprise! Have fun!
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