It had stopped raining when I walked out to get the paper, but there was still lightning off in the distance, and it was really kind of pretty. The coyotes were pretty active all around as well, I could hear them in the distance, and I could hear one in the pasture next door, although, even with shining my flashlight around, I never was able to spot him or her. Sometimes when I shine the flashlight into the pasture, I can see the reflection of their eyes. The closest I have been is about 100 feet...I assume I am too big for them to mess with, and that is okay with me. They might also think that my flashlight is one big eyeball, and they would just as soon not investigate any further.
Hopefully this will be a quiet day in the office, and I can start playing catch-up with things that have been put off for a while. Meals-on-Wheels is on the schedule, as is a trip to Home Depot for a couple items...some special light bulbs for one of the properties we manage and some zinnias (if they have any in stock) for one of the beds in the back by the pool. I know zinnias are not native and may require more water than we would like, but they are big and colorful and showy and I like them and so does Jody. They are easy to maintain, and they last a long time. And did I mention they are big and bright and showy? Just my kind of flowering plant!
Today came and went pretty much in a blur, it was really kind of over even before it started. We had our usual Thursday morning Property Management meeting in the office, then it was off to do Meals-On-Wheels, and then a couple errands, then some office paper work, then I had to leave at about 3PM for another set of errands and then on to a 4:30 PM appointment, and then home. Whew!
When I got home, I fed the cattle and took the photo in today's entry. I love that photo, three great big cow butts! Perfect! Can you pick Mr. Speckles out of the crowd? All the cattle were happy to have some feed, and the little boy calf was not even paying any attention to me or his mama or the other cattle in his pasture, he was totally absorbed with the other calves in the adjoining pasture. Our neighbor has about three or four new calves, so our little boy was more interested in them than anything else. He obviously needs someone to play with.
So, basically, life is very good here, and I am headed into the kitchen for another Popsicle. I think it would be a good thing if you were able to locate someone who needed a kind word or deed. Any small kindness towards another creature (human or otherwise) will be rewarded. You shall see.
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