...or bury my knee at wounded heart! Whatever... So, I am no longer delirious, things have calmed down somewhat, and I have actually been able to eat some solid food, and I am really looking forward to continued progress. I finally became coherent last night about 11 o'clock, and after that I pretty much woke up every hour-on-the-hour. I stayed in bed until about six o'clock this morning. Somewhere along the line, I was attacked and nearly strangled by all the pillows in the bed (gotta keep that knee elevated, you know) and at another point the granny stocking on my right leg was cutting off the circulation to other vital body organs and that had to be removed. BUT, other than that it was a relatively uneventful night. The doctor has called twice today, and I have to keep the knee wrapped until I go to his office on Monday afternoon, and I have to wear these hose until then as well, as a precaution against blood clotting. I think of it as a trial run to varicose veins. I remember when my grandmother had to wear these special hose because she had 'very close' veins, but I thought everyone had 'very close' veins, so it made no sense to me whatsoever. Now I know, I will become my grandmother at some point, and I just hope I can remember where I put the hose. We also changed the dressing this morning, and I thought they were only going to make two incisions, but it looks like they made four...and, in deference to the season, they decorated them each with a little star-like decoration (that we are leaving on). Really, no blood, no bruising, just a little pain every now and then. I have taken one pill, but other than that, no issues. I have walked anywhere and everywhere I have wanted to today, I just have not really wanted to walk anywhere too far away!

The door bell has been ringing pretty steadily today. I think the doorbell has rung more today that it has cumulatively since we lived here. Mailman, FedEx man, UPS Man and Pauline. Pauline was the important one, she brought us another of her famous cheese braids; they are yummy-yummy good. Jody and I both hardly waited til she had left before we tore into it. Jody fixed me some scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning, and around 11 I finally had my morning coffee, which immediately got rid of my headache. I guess it was my body telling me I had not had caffeine in a couple days and it needed its' fix! Happy to accommodate!

After naps, we went into the Bank in Schwertner, and made a couple other stops. Along the way, we went to look at the progress being made on the electric transmission lines they are putting in not far from us. The main thing is they are not far from us and NOT ON OUR LAND! That would have been a bad thing. These lines are going to be monsters, and I think they will forever change the landscape around here. That is what is called progress, however, and I guess it cannot be stopped. We are having nice winds today, and stronger breezes are expected tomorrow, up to 35 and 40 miles per hour, so we are expecting our turbines to generate some nice power; it would be great if we could get another two or three 'zero-power-usage' days before the end of the year. We will all keep our fingers crossed.
Can you believe it is the 23rd day of December and it is a beautiful 74 degrees outside here (according to the nuclear powered weather station in the kitchen)? Friends of mine in Virginia and other northeastern areas are sending photos of the 'snow storm of the decade' and I am not envious of all that snow. I hope they realize that all that snow is going to melt eventually, and they will be wondering why there is suddenly a flood. Watch and see!
Okay, thanks for putting up with all my knee stuff, and I guess this will all taper off as the swelling and other anecdotal stuff wains.
Deeds, Changes, Kindnesses, Actions, Whirled Peas, CHEESE BRAIDS, FUN!
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