Okay, now, back to the weather. I was REALLY surprised to go outside this morning, the wind was pretty much as a gale force (and I had no idea). I cannot believe that I was sitting in the home office and did not know the wind was blowing as hard as it was. When I went outside to get the newspaper (and read my meters...anal morning ritual), it was COLD. Anyway, I guess I will continue to be surprised about things at that house for a while to come. The turbines were really cranking, and flags were straight out, and it was BREEZY. But it was warm and toasty inside. The drive to work was pleasant. I needed to stop and put gas in the car (I always hate to say I needed to stop and get gas), and then I needed to go to HEB across the street to get something for the Pot Luck Luncheon. That will be fun, and I hope they all like macaroni salad and Christmas Cookies!
I am right now on a conference call with a colleague in Georgia, and it is obvious that I am busily multi-tasking. I think that is possibly considered unkind and rude, but I look at it the same was I look at texting while I am driving down I-35, or looking at the wrecked cars as I drive past them at 3 miles per hour. I know I should not do it, but I really cannot help it! There will come a time when I will not do that any longer, and I am sure you all know when that will be. On another note, my New Year's Resolution (that I started earlier) is going very nicely, thank you very much. If you do not recall, I have resolved to use my turn signals when I am changing lanes. And I am doing it...much (I started to put most, but changed it) of the time...and yes, sometimes I am already completely in the changed lane, AND THEN I turn on my signal, just to let the people behind me know what I just did. Kind of an 'I'm sorry, I will try to do better next time' kind of thing. Whatever...
Okay, so now I am not distracted (or hungry), so I will expound on my usual blog closing. If you have been following this blog for a while, you know I generally close with the same type of thoughts, but sometimes I give the cliff notes version. So, today it will be unabridged...
Find someone who might be less fortunate than yourself, and do a kind deed for that person. It is especially satisfying if you do a kindness for someone who least expects it from you. It (the kindness) need not be something monumental, sometimes just a kind word or a 'thank-you' can make a tremendous difference in someones day. And while you are at it, perhaps you can make a small change in your life that will be a benefit to all of us, and can actually make a positive change in the world in which we ALL MUST share. Again, you need not change something BIG...just some small change that will make the world a better place. And by all means, HAVE FUN!
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