The cattle are all thankful that the sun decided to make an appearance today, since they just all got fed, and we put a fresh bale of hay out for them. I have not posted any photos of the cattle lately, and this is not the best one of the day, but this one best shows the last of this years calves. She is REALLY a pretty one, and she is going to be going to a good home soon. Probably in another couple months. Then we will all be excited to start seeing the new 'class' of calves. Hopefully mostly heifers, we have been pretty lucky in the heifer department. It will be interesting to see how many calves we have next year, but we are expecting seven. Mr. Speckles needs to be taking care of his wimmin folk! I am pretty sure he already has been! It would be lovely if we had some good sunshine for about a week so we could cut and bale the hay in the hay pastures, and get the fences fixed in the back pasture so I could rotate the cattle into it. THEN, I would seed the front two cattle pastures with the VERY EXPENSIVE blackland prairie grass seed that I bought, so the cattle could stay off it for a month of so and let it germinate. That would be a great plan, but you never know what is going to happen with the El Nino effect we are experiencing. I was told yesterday that this years El Nino is even warmer than typical, so we may have lots of rain for a while. I know, I know...soon enough we will all be complaining about having no rain, and we will be complaining about that. We are never satisfied.

I had a ground hog moment this morning, and I saw my own shadow. It was amazing. I was watching the early morning news, and they were talking about the blue skies in Austin, and about thirty minutes later, we had the same thing here. WONDERFUL! I worked on cleaning out my closet this morning, and, if I do say so myself, I made great progress. I took about 15 pounds of suit and shirt plastic bags from the cleaners to the recycling center at HEB. Just having those bags out of the closet makes it much more organized LOOKING. It is not necessarily that organized, but it looks much better organized. While we were In Georgetown, I got the car washed at the quarter-car-wash...except now the quarter-car-was is $10. Whoa! The quarter-car-wash used to be only $8, but it is now $10. But my car was really dirty, and so I figure $10 every three or four years is not that terrible. Honestly, I not not particularly a slave to having a spotlessly clean car, even though I do understand that a clean car produces better gas mileage. It is just not that convenient to get the car washed, AND I live out in the country, and it is dirty out here. Whatever...
Coming back home, we detoured off one of the County Roads we had never been down before, looking for the 'Walburg Estates'. Michael keeps asking me if I had seen the signs for that new development, so I thought we would go and try to find it. I know whee the 'Daum Estates' are, but I am still looking for the 'Walburg Estates'. Pretty soon, I expect much of the area around us will be developed, but I do not think some of the neighbors will sell. The guy behind us has 30 acres, and he wants to build...Michael, Pauline and Hubert probably have hundreds of acres, and I don't think they are interested in selling. On one side of us, they have 50 acres, and that might go...and Randy and Irene have 75 acres, and I think that could be bought if you had enough money. I know they are kind of informally offering the property for sale, but I do not think it is actively being marketed. At any rate, we have enough land around us to be somewhat insulated from development if that happens. I just hate that the stars may fade away with development.

The flags are flying beautifully this afternoon. I just love flags and flagpoles, and as I have said before, I do not think there is a State Flag more beautiful than the Texas flag. I can imagine as a kid in Elementary School, while being taught Texas History, that the Texas Flag was such an easy flag to draw in that Big Chief tablet and some dull but colorful crayons. I wish I had been a kid in Texas so I could have had that experience. I grew up in a state that NO KID could possibly ever have drawn the State Flag, and I don't remember ever having been advised anything about our State History and NEVER had any mention of the State Flag. Too bad.
So, that is about it for this post. I need to get into the office early tomorrow. I have a hearing to chair at the Board tomorrow morning (it may be my last hearing for a while), and then there will be owner statements to approve, then there is a doctors appointment at 4 o'clock, and in the middle, I have to get the finishing touches on a small claims court 'pre-trial' I have to attend on Tuesday. I remember when December was a quiet month. Whatever...
Deeds, Kindnesses, Changes, Actions, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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