It is FINALLY a really pretty day in Austin. When I went out to retrieve the newspaper this morning (and to check the meter readings) I was greeted by a sky full of stars. I have not seen stars for a long time, it has been terribly cloudy and foggy and hazy for so long, I had forgotten how wondrous the stars are as seen from the 'light pollution free' country place where we live!
Got into the office early again this morning, and it has been a good day so far, and it is not even close to being concluded. Lease applications on a couple properties, returned several e-mails (some of which were more sensitive that others) and just overall having a good day. There has been one instance so far of a Hershey's Chocolate Bar being consumed in my office, but so far, other than that, there has been no tragic occurrences!
In preparation of my knee surgery early next week, I have been on the phone with my insurance company, and my deductible rolls over on a year-to-year basis. If I had been smarter, I would have scheduled this surgery for after the first of the year, so I could have covered the deductible, and then had a whole year to choose to do other things (maybe) kind of like something my doctor has been wanting me to do ever since I reached to golden age of 55 (wink-wink). For that, I will get to pay full-retail AND not even get taken out for dinner! OH THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL. Whatever...
The drive home this afternoon was pretty darn brutal, and there was absolutely no reason for it. ALL the wrecks were on the other side of the Interstate. I counted three, and they were spaced out every 5 or 6 miles for a while, which caused all of us (okay, I was doing it as well) to try and see if there was any blood or anything. No guts and/or gore, just property damage and damage to the psyche of us trying to get home before dark:30. Once I got to Georgetown, it was pretty smooth sailing, but I did have to stop for gas. BUT, after that it was really smooth sailing. I got home just in time to see the last five minutes of Charlie Gibson's final news broadcast. I think he was a nice guy, BUT I think Diane Sawyer is a nice woman, too, so maybe it will all be okay. I am NOT CONVINCED that George Stefanopolis (sp?) and JuJu (sp?) Chang are the right mix for Good Morning America, though. Time will tell.
Tamales for dinner tonight, YUM! And, I am off for a special secret adventure tomorrow. If all goes well, I will tell you all about it in tomorrow's post. STAY TUNED!
Now, Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, Changes, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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