Chapter One: Okay, the cattle have been fed, and all is well. It is too early for me to start getting ready to go into Austin. I am supposed to be at the center at 10:45, and that is a killer to me...I am WAY too much of an early person to wait around like this. It was all I could do to wait for the sun to come up (and it was late, of course) so I could go out and feed the cattle. Half of the cattle were in the front pasture enjoying the tall grass, and the other half were in the middle left side pasture, enjoying the bale of hay. The ladies in front knew something was up, and they were all ready for the feed. Interestingly, they are not smart enough to figure out how to get through the gate to the middle pastures if they are in the front pasture. They have a one track mind, and in their opinions, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. SO, I have to take the blue wiffle bat and herd them into the middle pasture, and after that, all was fine. Finally Mr. Speckles and the rest of the pack figured out there was feed being disbursed, and they all came up for their ration. Life is good.
I have not had anything to eat or drink since I got up this morning, and that is actually going better than I had expected. I did save up a massive quantity of saliva so I could take my one pill that they said I could take, and that is it. I expect I will cheat a little bit when I am showering and brushing my teeth.
Jody is already ready to go, and we do not need to leave here for over an hour, so I expect I will go turn the TV back on, and bide my time.

Chapter Two: I am sick as a dog. I am really too sick to be finishing this post, but I am on a mission. I have not missed a day, and I am not going to start now! The surgery went well, everyone at the WalMart Discount Surgical Center was very nice, except for the masochist they sent in to prep and GASP) shave me in various spots on my torso. I woke up fine, and so far things have gone downhill from there. SPOILER ALERT: THERE WILL BE INDELICATE DESCRIPTIONS OF BODY FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PARAGRAPH! I had not made it too far towards home before I found it necessary to cleanse my stomach of its' contents (of which there were not many). I think it is the pain pill they gave me that I was objecting to. Pretty much after that, I kind of dozed off, and when I got home, I went to bed...got directly in the bed, did not pass go, did not collect $200. A couple hours later, Jody asked me if I was hungry, so I asked him to give me some turkey slices, some ranch dressing and some saltine crackers. I ate most of that before I had to LEAP from the bed and return that little bit of food. Have you ever tried to regurgitate while standing up? It is a feat I had never tried before, but as I have often said, always go for the new experience. Anyway, I do not think I will be trying the pain pills they prescribed for me, I would rather hurt a little bit than keep running to the bathroom to up-chuck.
So, other than that, all is well. Thanks for the kind calls and text messages, but for right now, I have to go back to bed. I really had no expectations that I would be this drug out. I guess I thought I would be up and at 'em after the 'routine surgery'. This must be another example of things to come as a 'seasoned citizen'.
Deeds, Kindnesses, Changes, Actions, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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