Today was the day for our Annual Holiday Luncheon. Ever since we started our company, we have held an luncheon to thank all the people who have a part in making us successful. It is not important what your measure of success is; we measure our success by the joy and happiness we share with our colleagues, vendors, staff and friends. We would be nothing without all the help, advice and counsel that we receive from those that share in our good times, bad times, ups-and-downs. We are indeed humbled that so many people share our good fortune, and we try not to be stingy with our 'pleases and thank yous'. So, again this year, we had our luncheon at the historic Green Pastures restaurant in Central Austin. It is a lovely old Victorian home that has been through many incarnations. One of the incarnations was as a dairy farm, and I am sure there have been others. It has been a very nice restaurant since I have lived in Austin (I moved here in 1985), and we have enjoyed our annual visits. They also have peacocks and peahens roaming the grounds, but I did not see them today. What a lucky man I am! Did I mention that I had a couple glasses of wine with lunch? I wonder how I could have forgotten that?

So, do you think this is the ugliest commercial building in the city of Austin, or can you think of any other building you would like to visit less? Upon close inspection of this facade, I think it would be perfect for a urologists office of maybe a mammologists office (mamms, get it?). I had an appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon this morning at 8:20 (after THEY cancelled the appointment that had been set for the previous Monday. Anyway, so far I have never been told what to expect when I go to this doctor. Today they surprised me that I needed to go and have a blood draw so the anesthesiologist can say whether or not I am fit for the surgery on Tuesday. Never mind that I might have a schedule to keep. Whatever... Anyway, if I can make it through the surgery and the follow-up visits, I think everything will be just fine. I am not expecting any complications at all.

Once we all got back to the office from the luncheon, we all sort of did a bit of work, and we just kind of enjoyed the fellowship of the day. I am really a lucky person to have been fortunate enough to have surrounded myself with the wonderful people that work with us. The drive home was really pretty uneventful. I have no audio-books at the moment, but I hope one arrived in tomorrow's mail. I have gotten addicted to those books, and I have really enjoyed it. I did make a quick stop at Round Rock Toyota to deliver a small Christmas gift to my favorite service person, Sally. If you are looking for a new place to have your Toyota serviced, let me know and I will get you hooked up! AND, once I got home, there was a nice sunset off to the northwest. What do you think?
Okay, time for this: Deeds, Changes, Actions, Kindnesses, FUN!
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