I think it is interesting how, even though we travel up and down the same roads every day, we really do not pay attention to the scene until we see it as static photographic image. Years-and-years ago, when my office was adjacent to the University of Texas campus, I would go up and down Guadalupe Street (the Drag) and never pay any attention to all the litter (human and otherwise) that was all around the area. Removing myself from the area, and going back years later, I am always astounded at how 'tawdry' the whole area looks. Anyway, this is a view of South First Street, near our offices, in the 'very desirable' Bouldin Creek neighborhood of South Central Austin. This photograph certainly does not make it look all that desirable to me...what do you think? Whatever...
I have kind of gotten into sleeping late in the mornings, I think it is a hold-over from the surgery last week, and the fact that I slept and slept and slept for a couple of days. I do not think I even woke up this morning til about 5 o'clock, and I thought about getting up, but then I thought better of it. I stayed in bed until about 5:30, and got up and started the routine. When Jody rolled out of bed, he was complaining of a little bit of a sore throat, so I hope that will not develop into something worse. Hopefully, he just slept with his mouth open too long, and that will be it.
Traffic was a breeze coming into the office this morning, I could really get used to making it in only 45 minutes every day, but I am not expecting this to be a trend that lasts for very long. So far, it is a quiet day in Lake Woe-B-Office. But I would rather have a quiet day than a hectic, non-stop busy day. So far, not too much complaining. Our tenants have a tendency (tenant tendencies) to complain or submit work orders in tandem with paying their monthly rent. I think it is just human nature...if you are gonna pay 'the man' you might just as well complain at the same time.

I left the office early this afternoon, about 3 o'clock, and it was an easy commute home. I got home early enough to watch parts of two different 'Jeopardy' episodes with Jody before I went out to check on the cattle. All is well, although you would not believe how much water is on the ground again, after .35" of rain that we had yesterday. That is what happens (I guess) when the ground is saturated, and it just cannot absorb any more. This is a photo of Mimmie Moonbeam and her calf Moo Unit. They are my cattle, and I get to name them as I choose. Actually, Mimmie was already named, but I got to name her calf. Why not have a little fun, shake these cowboys up a little bit? Whatever... Anyway, I think Mimmie is pregnant, and she may be the first to calve in the New Year. It is always fun! I took a series of photos of the cattle this afternoon, they were all really close, and wanted to see what I was up to. I am thinking of a cocktail table book on them, what do you think? They love being photographed!
Okay, so that is it for this penultimate post of 2009. REMEMBER...Deeds, Kindnesses, Actions, Changes, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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