WELL, I must say...this has been a really busy day! I know you are all tired about my knee thing, but I am continuing to make very good progress. Life is good! I just wish I could get rid of this gauze wrap and ace bandage. That would make life much, much easier. As it is, I have not really let that hold me back today. Today has been great, and I made visits to a couple of my favorite places...Tractor Supply and Home Depot. We were going to Tractor Supply to get a suet feeder for the birds, and we went the long(ish) way...okay, the alternative way from hurtling down I-35 in a metal cylinder at speeds unheard of a century ago. Anyway, I was on the lookout for wooden pallets, because I will need them for my new beekeeping hobby. I saw several places that had pallets stacked up, even some at Tractor Supply. I asked 'David' at Tractor Supply if they ever sold the pallets, and he said they would be happy to give me as many as I needed. So, we immediately went home and picked up the truck and I went back. David even helped me load the pallets into the truck, and I thanked him, and he said he was just appreciative that I had asked about them, instead of coming back in the dark and stealing them. A nice guy, and that just puts Tractor Supply even more notches higher on my favorite store list.

Leaving Tractor Supply, and on the way to Home Depot, I saw this guy hauling hay. There is always someone hauling hay, and it is always headed south. I went to Home Depot (mainly) to buy a new remote control for our garage. The one in my car does not work the majority of the time, so for a small sum, I hope I will now have a good remote control that does not cause me the frustration the old one has. We shall see. I also got a couple small tools (garden trowels) 1) Because we needed them (we can't find the other ones we had, they are most likely 'in a box' somewhere) and 2) because I needed a tool like that to dig out the dirt from around one of the water cut-offs in one of the pastures. So, that was a happy thing to do.

Once I got home, we noticed our neighbor to the east (Jim H) was there, and I wanted to go and speak with him about or desire to build a couple tanks in two of our pastures later in the spring, and we wanted to make sure he did not object to that, and we wanted to make sure it would not disrupt or hinder any water flow to his property. Of course, I got the Mule stuck in a wet spot at his place, so he pulled me out with his BIG tractor. Compared to all of our neighbors tractors, our tractor is just little Tinker-Toy! Anyway, it turns out he works for the Army Corps of Engineers, so I also asked him if he would be available for consulting on the project.

he said there would be no problems with anything we wanted to do, and he thinks all the land around here should have more tanks anyway, so go for it. As long as I was there (it was the first time I had been on their property), I went over and looked at his pig-sty (I wonder if they really call it that? Maybe it is a pig-pen), but anyway, he has several pigs, and this one is about the size of a 1950 Studebaker. She was not really too interested in us, since there was food to be had elsewhere, and we did not have any!

I came back home and worked on the water shut-off in the pasture, and got it cleaned out so I can more easily get it on and off. As I was heading back for the house, I saw Hubert with his tractor, getting ready to cut hay. That is great, that is something that I am really happy about. The hay has not frozen too terribly, so it will be good to get it cut and baled, and then we can expect some more rain and get a fresh crop of hay in the spring. Perfect! Everything will work out wonderfully! I love living in the country!
Jody and I are heading back to the Filling Station Restaurant tonight...hopefully they will be offering their seafood special tonight. I have tried to get that for months now, and I hope it will have been worth the wait! We shall see!
Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, Changes, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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