I was lucky to teach a couple of classes today at the Austin Board, and I had a great time, and the classes were well received. I was teaching Leasing and Property Management, two subjects that I am relatively well-versed in, and it is always good when you are comfortable with your subject. There were 18 or 19 attendees in both classes, and only one that I am aware of was there for the sole purpose of needing the hours for their license renewal. Lots of good questions, lots of people paying attention, and (I hope) a good time was had by all. The classes were each three hours, and I could easily make them both an extra hour, but for MCE classes, it is easier on the attendees to have a six hour class...eight hours is just too much time to be away from their businesses.
So, it started raining about 11:30 this morning, and by the time class was over at 3:30 it was raining pretty vigorously. I checked in at the office and determined I had no reason to go into the office, so I just left and went home from the Board, which cuts ten miles off my trip, PLUS I would be getting a jump on the traffic congestion on the Expressway. All went pretty much according to plan, and I did not hit too many delays. It is still raining here as I write this, so I expect we may end up with a pretty good bit of rain.
We are having a repeat of Thanksgiving dinner tonight, and I am liking that a lot! I love left overs, and I love turkey and dressing and sweet potatoes and cranberry relish and all the stuff that goes with it. I will be happy and full as a tick before too long. If you are hungry, give us a call, we will have plenty.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning to get the results of the MRI that was done on my knee last week, so we will see what the el medico has to say about that. I hope it is a more pleasant experience with him this time than it was a few weeks ago, my first visit. We shall see...
Remember, it is all about kindnesses you can do for other people. It is about small actions you can take to brighten the life of someone who is not expecting it of you. It is all about the changes you can make in your life that will make the entire world a better place for all of us. It is about PAYING IT FORWARD. Here is an example. I gave away a few scarves (that I crocheted myself) today, and one of the women I gave a scarf to said 'a friend of mine was admiring a scarf that I had on yesterday, so I told her to try it on...I told her she looked really good in the scarf, so she could keep it. And today, here you are, offering me a scarf that you made!' So, maybe there is something to this karma thing...who knows? Oh, before I forget, Have Fun!
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