It is late, and I kind of kidnapped Jody to go back to the back pasture to watch Hubert bale the hay. I am fascinated with all that stuff, and I think the technology of the farm equipment is equally fascinating. So, as we were getting ready to leave, Pauline and her grandson Sterling arrived, and I got distracted again, and we were just talking about stuff, and I think Jody was ready to get back to the house. ANYWAY...I am just like a big kid (a really BIG KID) when it comes to the farm stuff. When I was a little kid, I was perfectly content to just stand and look out the window. There needn't be anything to look at, I could just look and entertain myself.
So, class day tomorrow, and then I am looking forward to the weekend. I need to find a suitable house for my Buyer clients pretty darn soon, they need to be in a new place by the first of July. It is getting a little bit crazy!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HAY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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