This morning, the sun was chasing me down the road. It is always nice to see that big old orange ball rising in the sky, since it has been kind of cloudy most of this month. Cloudy but hardly any rain. May is supposed to be our best month for rain, but so far we have only recorded a quarter-inch in the gauge. Jody got himself a new digital/wireless weather station on Saturday, and we can now keep a more accurate track of the precipitation. I think we need to do a little tweeking of the location of the different pieces of equipment, so they will be optimized. I think there is some sheltering of the anemometer (spell check just blew a fuse) and we are probably not getting accurate records from that, but we will get it right over time.

I had intended to get home this afternoon and work the other two hives that Chris and I did not get to yesterday. The closer I got to the house, the darker and darker it was getting, and there was a lot of lightning. There was a brief rain shower, and then everything was calm, so I went out and checked the chicks, and they were all good. I decided to go ahead and 'suit up' and work the hives. As soon as I got pretty close to finished with the first hive, the winds came up and I thought I was going to be blown away. I secured the hive, and called it a night. Still pretty windy out, but there is always tomorrow. I am very happy with the hive that I worked this evening, the bees are making good progress in that hive, and I may put another super on that one in about a week or so. I am pretty sure they are close to taking off, and we will have lots of bees and LOTS of honey later this summer. Time will tell.
I just had an anonymous call from someone that lives in one of our managed property neighborhoods. Seems the tenants had some trash outside, and the winds have strewn the trash all over creation. Just pick up the phone and tell me to come over and pick up the trash. Yep, I will be right there! Whatever...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WINDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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