It was a really good day in the country today. I got up about 6:15, even though I really had not slept that well. I think I had too much sugar last night before going to bed. All the dinners and desserts that I took full advantage of pretty much kept me rockin' and rollin' for most of the night. It was one of those nights when, I am almost certain that I slept more than I feel like I slept, but I just did not get a lot of REM sleep. Tonight will be better, no sweets right before bedtime.

The gardeners were back this morning, and Miguel was back as well. I fed the bees their sugar water concoction and I am happy to report again that I escaped being stung by them. Everyone was busily working away at their particular things, and so I took one of the lawn mowers to the very back pasture to cut the grass from around the lines of the electric fence. With the grass rubbing up on the fence lines, it cuts down on the strength of the electrical current, so I needed to get all that cut. I cut the perimeters of about 15 acres of pasture, which is about 75% of the pastures that the cattle have access to. I will finish the other 25% sometime this week, in the evenings when I get home from work. Some of the grasses were higher than my waist, and the far back pasture has native rye grasses growing in it, so I needed to let the cattle back there before it dies off. No sense having the rye grass die without letting the cattle have a go at it.

I took a break while cutting the grass, I needed liquids. When I got in the house, Jody reported that Miguel had run into one of the bee hives with the tractor and it was kind of off-kilter. I went out to see if I could get it back in line, and the bees would have no part of it. I went and got suited-up, and took care of it with no real issues, but the bees were NOT HAPPY. Getting all dis-jointed like that is kind of like a really bad earthquake for you and me, so put yourselves in their places. Not happy campers. Anyway, even though I was out there for a while without my suit, I still managed to escape sting free, although some of the bees had other intentions. Miguel got one sting, and Jody had going out to see if he could help, but Miguel told him he should leave well enough alone, so he was also sting free.
I had a call from a client, so Jody and I went into Austin to show a house, and we were in a really nice little rain shower, but there is no evidence that we got any rain here at the farm. We could actually use a little bit of rain, just a nice little down pour ought to do it, nothing crazy.
Tomorrow is the beginning of a new week, and I am looking forward to it.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FENCE LINES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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