Early to bed, early to rise and all that stuff! I have accomplished both of those things quite proficiently over the past several years, and now I would just like to sleep in a little bit! Up early this morning, got a few things done in the office and headed off to work early. Needed to finish up a few things in the office before heading out to the Board for the Leader's Choice series of classes that I am taking. A lot of fun, a lot of interesting and good information and training, but a lot of work and responsibility as well. Our team (Team H.O.P.E.) received the highest production award today, so that was great. We are already well on our way to meeting our goals for the next week as well. Oh, and by the way, H.O.P.E. stands for 'Helping Other People Excel'. YEAH MAN!

I had to make several stops on the way home this afternoon, and as I was driving down FM 972, I spied this KVUE Satellite truck. SO of course, I had to turn around and go back to investigate. I am not really that shy, and if I want to know something, I just ask. It seems there has been a rash of burglaries in the area, so I guess that was making the news in Austin. It must really be a slow news day, what with the stock markets cratering, Greece going bankrupt and the worst ecological catastrophe in the history of the world unfolding one gallon of crude at at time in the Gulf of Mexico. Yep, I guess Austin is starved for news. Whatever!
Jody and I went to the Filling Station in Bartlett for dinner, we both had sandwiches, and watched as the staff tried their very best to control the population of house flies that seems to be trying to take over the dining room of the restaurant. I understand that it is somewhat disquieting to watch the staff dispatching house flies to the great land fill in the sky, but it is probably better to try to control the issue than it is to ignore it. I'm just saying...
Believe it or not, but I have no appointments scheduled for the weekend (so far). That is not to say I will not be busy. The gardeners will be back, and we will have more mulch and compost delivered; our own crew of workers will be here to help get a few things under control, and we have a birthday party/housewarming AND a 45th Wedding Anniversary Party to attend. It will be kind of a busy day, I expect!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HOUSE FLIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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