In just one hundred fifty nine more miles, my car and I will reach a milestone, and I fully expect to sleep through it. I cannot even pay attention long enough to remember to change the station on the radio in three minutes so I can hear the local news. I cannot focus long enough to set the sleep timer on the television so it will go off after the weather report. I cannot remember to take my telephone and/or the key to the lock boxes when I leave the office for appointments. What makes me think I will be coherent enough to watch the odometer in my car click over to 100,000miles? Just another 159 miles, which I should be able to rack up tomorrow; let's see, 48.3 miles each way to the office, that leaves just 62.4 miles to go. Meals-on-Wheels ought to take about twelve to fifteen miles, so that takes me down to 50 miles. I am not sure it will happen tomorrow. For sure if Jody and I go out to dinner tomorrow night, that will put me over the edge. I need to have the car serviced, too, so that will add another couple miles. If I don't get it serviced tomorrow, I won't be able to do it until next week. What to do, what to do?

All was well in the office today. Walked more properties, and got home in time to see the 5 o'clock news (part of it anyway). Then I went out to give the new chicks some fresh food and water. They are doing well, and I made a point to pick each of them up and hold them for a few seconds, just to let them start getting used to being held and petted. The breeds we have are supposed to be pretty docile and easily domesticated, but I am sure that if anyone can screw up the psyche of a chicken, I am the one to do it. We shall see!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ODOMETERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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