This morning I got up about 5 o'clock (do not ask me why) and I pretty much did my usual thing. By about 7 o'clock, I was busy making sugar syrup for the bees, and I decided I would work three of the hives this morning, and I will work the other two hives tomorrow morning. I did not take any photos of the hives innards, but I will try to remember to do that tomorrow. It is still just a little bit nerve wracking for me, but I am pretty much over the fear of an all out bee attack. I also think it is good to do this work in the mornings before they become really active. We shall see.
Later on, Jody and I did some stuff around the house; trimmed back the privet that was trying to take over the pool pump and equipment, trimmed the sucker sprouts off the butterfly bush in the back of the house, trimmed dead limbs off the poor pitiful crab apple tree in the front. I really do not think that tree will make it, but we did not think it was going to make it last year, either. At least now, it can put all its' efforts into trying to keep its' few leaves alive, and not worry about trying to bring dead limbs back to life.

Then it was on to Georgetown, and we made a couple stops before going to the Dairy Queen for a spoiler. One of the stops was to the Berry Creek Park, which is a really nice municipal park. They have some very nice facilities, and even a couple old cemeteries (one patch has just one grave of a young boy back in the 1800's who was six years old when he died. They also have this old house, and a couple mules (or whatevers) keeping the grass down. The mules (or whatevers) were not that terribly interested in me, but I did at least to give each of them a couple pets on the nose, and they spent a few seconds checking out the smells on my hand.

Also, before we got into Georgetown, I spied this blue Hippo in the tall grass. I have been down this road several times, and today is the first time I have ever seen this blue concrete hippo. I doubt that they just installed it, and we are MANY miles from Hutto, so I guess this is just one of those curiosities that I may never know the full story behind. Anyway, I thought it was worth backing the car up to take the picture.

As we were heading to the Dairy Queen, I was drawn to the parking lot of the Kentucky Fried Chicken. Perhaps I have a death wish or something, but I am really wanting to have one of these 'Double Down' sandwiches. No bread, just two chicken breasts (I think) with ham, cheese and bacon in between. I can feel my arteries hardening just thinking about it, and my pulse seems to be quickening somewhat as well. I am not going to have one, okay maybe someday I will, but I cannot even guess about the health risks that would be involved if you had more than one of these in a lifetime. Whatever...
Tomorrow we are expecting the gardeners again, and I have an appointment to go into Austin to show about five properties for sale. Wish me luck!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOGGED ARTERIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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