Whatever. Okay, I said it. I got it out of the way. I wonder if I can refrain from using the term for the duration of this entry? Whatever...

A very nice sunrise this morning as seen from the side view mirror of my car. Also a pretty good indication of just how dirty my car is. I used to believe that a dirty car was a happy car, alleging that by not washing the car I was actually saving resources (water, electricity, etc). In reality, I found that dirty cars actually use more gasoline because of the added weight and the compromised aerodynamics of the vehicle. So, I think it will be time for a car wash later on this week, or maybe the weekend!
Busy, busy, busy. But a good busy. The early morning was spent catching up on e-mails and messages that came in overnight. At 10 o'clock, we had our first office meeting in the over ten-year history of the company. We are planning to have meetings with EVERYONE on a bi-weekly basis, and we will see how that goes. Carrie had the GREAT idea that a different person conduct the meetings, so in two weeks, one of our agents will conduct the meeting. We are working on our long-term strategies and goals, and it is very interesting to me that certain assumptions (you know what they say) I hold to be accurate are not so very... Interesting!
I worked on finishing up the class I am writing and that I will be presenting the first full week of July. So far I am really happy with the way it is all turning out. I think it will be a very good class, filled with lots of participant discussion, and the book itself should be a really good reference book for the attendees. It is an advanced Property Management class, so I am happy with how it is all working out.

In the afternoon, I had a closing (really kind of late in the afternoon), and I am very happy that my Buyer clients have the home they wanted, and now all they need to do is start the process of unpacking. Congratulations to Bryan and Virginia, very nice clients, and wonderful friends! We are planning a Happy Hour real soon, or maybe they can just come out to visit us in the country. I was watching the clock for the appointment, and I did a map search for the Title Company (since I had never been there) and found out where/how/how long, etc. Of course, things really never go as planned when you are talking about traffic in Austin. BUT, I actually got there on time, with probably 15 or 20 seconds to spare. If I am not at an appointment 15 or 20 minutes early, I think I am late. I hate cutting it close.

Last nights bounty was tonight's supper. Everything we had for dinner last night (except for the rice) was fresh from Pauline's garden last night. DELICIOUS! Home grown tomatoes, cucumbers, and black-eyed peas! Everything was extra good. Jody got the recipe out of one of my old cook-books, the White Trash Cook Book, and it was called 'Hoppin' John'. Not sure why it was called that, but it was delicious, and I am looking forward to the left overs. Speaking of left overs, we know some folks who do not like left overs, but I think quite often that the left overs are better than the first go round. I think sometimes the flavors need to 'steep' a little while. Okay, really, I know what you are thinking, I just love food. Period!
Almost done.

These little Barn Swallow fledglings are just about to fall out of the nest. We watch them from the breakfast room table, and they are having a hard time staying in all together. There is really little room for error on their parts. One false move and they will be trying out their wings for the first time. Speaking of chickens, the chicks over in the chicken coop are about seven weeks old today, and they are doing really well. About 13 more weeks and we should have some eggs. Just in time for some distant Holiday. Whatever...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BRYAN AND VIRGINIA, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!