Let's hear it for the weekend. I love weekends, especially if I am taking a guilt-free day off (or two). I got up this morning, and fixed egg-loaf for Jody and I , and then went out to see about cutting some grass. Too wet (dewey) to cut, so I waited til later in the afternoon. I did a few more things around the house, and about 10:15, Jody and I drove into Round Rock so I could take a look at a house I have listed for sale. The owner had her handy-man doing some work on the house this week, and I wanted to see how things were looking. He did a very good job, and my friend and colleague (and team mate fro the Leader's Choice Program) David conducted an open house there today and will hold another one tomorrow. Disappointing results today, only one visitor (with an agent), but there is always tomorrow.
After we visited the house, Jody and I went in to Lowe's in Round Rock and picked up four baskets of Purslane and a couple more (small) hibiscus. Jody seems to be on a hibiscus spree, but they are lovely. Anyway, the Purslane have added some color to the pool area, and the can take the full sun, and that is what we will be faced with for the next several months. After that, we stopped at Dairy Queen for spoilers and then on the HEB for a few things. When we got home, we both went down for naps, and that was lovely!

When I woke up, I went outside and cut more grass, and then hooked up the shredder to the tractor and shredded some of the larger grassy areas. The grass cutting never ends. I need to just face that fact. It could be cut on a daily basis, and it would still never end. Grass, grass, grass! Whatever! Lots of lovely clouds around but no indications of any rain. What a drag...usually when there is a tropical storm approaching, we hope for a nice category I or II hurricane coming up into Texas which will bring us some rain, but with all the BLEEPING crap going on in the Gulf with BP, we cannot even hope for a little hurricane anymore. WE NEED THE RAIN.

After dinner, I went outside and swept out the garage and then cut more grass...the detail stuff around the pecan trees and things like that. And in the dog's yard. Detail stuff. Then a nice dip in the pool. I did get up early enough this morning to see the lunar eclipse, and it was supposed to be peaking about 6:40, but before that the whole thing disappeared and and must have gone behind some clouds. What a drag. I was up early enough and conscious of the eclipse, so then I got cheated out of it. ANYWAY...this is a photo of the other direction showing the hay pasture and the wind turbines. Very nice to look at, and they are just generating up a storm. Not like they did in the spring, but they are generating electricity and happily so!
Miracle of Miracles! One of the smoke detectors somewhere in the house is going off, and it is not 2 o'clock in the morning. I need to go find that little bugger and replace the battery.
Deeds. Actions, Changes, BATTERIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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