Okay, well, this pretty much says it all. How are we ever going to stop all the oil in the Gulf from consuming US. We had been the hunters, now it seems we are the hunted. It will find us where ever we are, and we cannot do anything about it. I can't help but have this feeling of helplessness. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be a bird or other animal stuck in all that goo and crap. A slow and unnatural death. SHIT! Well, oil anyway. The President says he wants to 'kick some ass' and the chairman of BP says he is 'tired'. Well, who knows? All I know is, it is not getting any better, nobody knows how to fix this, and nobody is happy about it. The public says our national response is worse than when Katrina hit, but I do not know the answer. Hell, I am not even sure if I know the questions!
On a brighter note...the cannas out by the road this morning were looking especially pretty when I

headed off to work, and I am glad that I took a second to stop and take a photo. We are still keeping our fingers crossed for some rain today and tomorrow, although the rain we were hoping for in early afternoon seems to have dissipated. There is always tonight and tomorrow to hope for. We allegedly had a 60% chance for both today and tomorrow, so I am still hopeful.

Just exactly do you say lazy, or I guess more to the point, how do you SPELL lazy? Well, I think if you are a meter reader in Austin, you spell it 'j-u-m-p-t-h-e-c-u-r-b'. The guy was in a really big hurry, and obviously thought that was his own reserved parking space. It kind of reminds me of the old-time bumper sticker 'AS A MATTER OF FACT, I DO OWN THE ROAD'. Anyway, when he got back in the truck, he drove on down the sidewalk, flew off the curb at the corner, made a right and stopped at the cleaners and read their meter. Whatever!

Okay, here is something in the 'Keep Austin Weird' category, even though this is not really that weird when you think about it, since I have seen this goat at this house for years and years. If anyone knows anything about Austin, you pretty much know that anything is possible. Given a choice, I would most likely put up with the goat easier than I could put up with Leslie. If you don't know who Leslie is, well, that is another story. Anyway, goats are good, and this particular goat lives a half-block off Congress Avenue in the middle of central Austin! AN URBAN GOAT if I ever saw one.
Our chicks are five weeks old today, and that is a happy occasion. They are really getting big, too. Maybe there will be a photo opportunity later, and I will post something tomorrow. When I go to put them up in the evenings, they think it is time to play, one of the blond ones, especially! I put her in the coop, and she runs back out...put her in, she runs back out. They all think this is a really fun game!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GOATS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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