I took this photograph last night after I went out to put the chickens to bed. You really cannot get the full effect of the sun shining behind the clouds, but it was magnificent. It was a wonderful evening, and calm and peaceful AND HOT. Did I mention it is really hot and we really need more rain? Did I mention we may well get another cutting of hay in another couple weeks? Did I mention that the sage bushes at the front of the property by the road are blooming up a storm and that the old-timers (be very careful) say the sage will bloom before a rain? I'm just saying... Anyway, the sage is full of blooms, and I will show you that photo tomorrow.
Michael was back today, and installed a gate from the front pasture to one of the middle pastures. He will install another get in the pasture next to it (maybe) tomorrow, we will see. Soon, I expect we will have no fences around the pastures, just a series of gates. What do I say about convenience? We invented it!

Here is another thing I used to say. Cows are difficult people to photograph. I have a new saying. Chickens take the place of cows in the people picture taking category. Chickens are really difficult to photograph. According to almost ALL the photographs I have taken of our chickens, they are made up entirely of chicken-butts. Nothing else, just butts. Chickens are actually living, breathing, walking chicken butts. I am not sure where the cackling comes from, but it must come from their butts. I cannot explain it any clearer!
Today was a good day. The office had an 'off-site-in-service' day, and it was all about team building, strategic planning and goal setting. Very interesting information, and we all enjoyed it very much. Now we are all charged with implementing the stuff we learned.
Tomorrow is a day of teaching for me, and Friday I will be attending another class. Two more classes (including tomorrow) of the Leader's Choice program. Another great series of learning experiences, but I am just on the verge of being 'classed out'.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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