Today has been a busy day, and much has been accomplished. I don't remember if I told you yesterday that Jody had a flat tire on his truck. We got up this morning and put air in his tire, and decided we would wait until about 9 o'clock and call the tire place in Bartlett to see if they were open to fix the tire. In the meantime, I went and got the tractor and installed the 'quick hitch' to the tractor, hoping that it would make it possible to change the tractor implements in less than a day-and-a-half. I got the 'quick hitch' installed with Jody's help, and then attached the hay fork to it with very little trouble. Big deal...in my opinion, the proof would be trying to hook up the shredder. I took the tractor to the back and unhooked the hay fork with relative ease, and hooked the shredder with no problems at all. I am amazed! It works just like it is supposed to. No longer will I have to accuse myself of being unworthy of my farm boots and tractor because it takes me hours and lots of perspiration to change the implements. It works, and I can do it. Joy!

Okay, whatever. Jody and I called the tire place and kept calling them until about 9:30 and we decided to just drive into Bartlett to see if they were open. They weren't. We decided to go on into Round Rock where he could get the tire fixed and have the truck serviced at the same time. His car is a year older than mine and has just turned over 40,000 miles. Anyway, this photo kind of falls into the 'things you see when you haven't got a gun' category. We were pulling in to the Toyota Dealer parking lot when I saw the back end of this car. I will show you that photo sometime in the future. Anyway, this is the front end, and we can only assume that the owner is a citizen of Hutto, Texas, home of the Hutto Hippos. Whatever.
After we got his truck serviced, we went into Georgetown and went to have lunch at Chick-Fil-A's, which could well be the start of a new habit for us. We may well forgo the Dairy Queen on Saturdays, and go directly to the Chick-Fil-A for a chicken salad sandwich and a large milk shake. Very good. We then made a quick stop at the HEB and then home.
Jody went down for a nap, and I spent several hours cutting grass (some of it over my head) in the front fields and just putzing around. When I finished, I jumped in the pool and cooled off, and now it is just about time for dinner.
Deeds, Changes, Actions, TALL GRASS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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