I slept late (for me) this morning, but I still had a couple hours to putz around the house before I had to seriously start getting ready to head into town for a couple appointments. It was a wonderful morning, and I left at about 8 o'clock to get started. My first appointment was to take photos of a new listing, I will get that property active on the market probably Thursday or Friday of next week. My second appointment was in the office and was a 'meet and greet' with a probable (possible) new client. The client was referred to me, so I expect everything will work out. Very nice man with good boundaries of what he is looking for in a home. He expects to be in the property for about four years, and is interested in some appreciation of the property within that time. Should be easy, but there are never any guarantees.
I got back home about 12:30, so Jody and I headed off to Hutto (that is the location of the closest Lowe's) to pick up some more red paint for the two storage sheds, and then we were off to Georgetown to stop at the Georgetown Fireplace and Patio Shop. We are shopping for a fireplace insert to take the place of the inefficient fireplace we have. We both love a fire, but the fireplace that is in the house is really nothing more than something that sucks all the heat out of the house and up the chimney. The new fireplace inserts are really a great heat source, and you can see the flames of the fire as well, so all the good things of a fireplace. You load the thing up with wood and it burns for 8 to 10 hours before you have to add more wood, and it heats a nice sized home. We do not expect that it will heat the whole house, but it will certainly go a long ways towards it. PLUS, the ones we are looking at have cook top surfaces, so we can 'cook and warm food or beverages'. I can smell the bacon already!

Whatever... Once we got home (we had to make a side trip to Dairy Queen for a spoiler), Jody went and took a nap, and I started working on some office stuff. We had a man over for the day pulling weeds, and his wife could not find her way back to pick him up, so I took him back into Walburg. On the way back from there, I stopped at our neighbors Randy & Irene's and picked some fresh corn for dinner. In this photo you can just see the wind turbines of our house over the corn stalks. The corn was DEE-LICIOUS!

This just in from the chicken cam...chickens like fresh corn too. Jody and I shucked the corn and got it ready to cook for dinner (corn on the cob) and some of the bad pieces of corn, etc., we took to the chickens. They wolfed that stuff down like it was the last food they would ever have. I was pretty darn surprised at how quickly they ate it. I think I will go back and get some of the 'bad' corn from Randy and feed it to the chickens.
Tomorrow is expected to be a pretty calm day of doing nothing but hanging around the house and working on office stuff. I am in serious need of playing 'catch-up' so I am looking forward to that. Miguel is supposed to come out and do more work on the chicken-coop and general stuff around the property, so that will be a good break of routine from time to time.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FRESH CORN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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